Just a quickie here, this months Nottingham Drinker has an excellent piece on Amsterdam (aside from The Gollem now being shut) but it didn’t cover the audaciously named The Beer Temple, which is a shame because in short it’s bloody brilliant.

Those taps go on, there's 30 in all.
This has been opened by the same people who run t’arendsnest which itself focuses on Dutch beers, The Beer Temple however focuses on American beers though you will find quite a bit of brewdog amongst others in there, including a brew containing viagra, though I can’t say I needed that one.

A second board showing the full selection of 30 on tap.

Each of those boards lists bottles you can purchase from the bar!
As the pictures above show, the bar has 30 on tap and the bottle selection is bonkers, I think it’s into the hundreds, the only downside as everywhere in Amsterdam is the expense, but if you’re going out there armed with your Nottingham Drinker don’t miss out on this place, the Flying Dog beer on sale here is worth the trip alone.
Nieuwezijds voorburgwal 250
(020) 62 714 27