If you haven’t read the article below this about Blue Monkeys new Canning Circus powerhouse opening in June, then do so, because Canning Circus looks like it could be turning into quite the force!

You will be forgiven for mistaking The Ropewalk as still being under its previous guise of a 'scream pub' other than the repainting of the garish yellow walls not a great deal else has changed exterior wise.

A great selection, this picture was taken during the mild trail hence 2 milds.
Amidst Nottinghams sea of inflated beer prices (£3+ a pint is becoming far too common, and frankly ridiculous) it’s nice to see a pub offering geniunely good deals on quality ales, and assuming it’s some kind of dosshole full of students would be quite far off the mark, it’s actually light and very spacious with a good mix of clientele.

Nice and open, plenty of seating.

Proper pint glasses.
So here’s the deals, and what makes this probably the most competetive in Nottingham, as the deal states above between 5pm till 9pm weeknights all beers are £1 off, when we went in this makes them between £1.75 to £2.10 a pint.
It’s also worth noting when the above deals not on, it’s 50p off for CAMRA (biggest in Nottingham) averaging the price of a pint at around £2.50, reasonable.
And no, you can’t combine the offers!
Interesting, and welcome, change in policy.
When the current Radford ladette and I used to visit, it was always a source of amazement to her, as to how in the heck could studes afford to drink (and eat) in the place. I seem to remember last time we visited (and it was a while ago), being somewhat bemused as to how I had converted the twenty pound note from my wallet, into two pints, two bottles of beer, and a packet of crisps, (and a bit of shrapnel), whilst being regaled by “well when I was at the Poly we made due with dog mince from Vicky Market and cheap cider at the Palais’’type stories.
Perhaps I should give it another go, although I do think the outside is now starting to reflect its new ‘budget’ position in the market.
I hadn’t been a Scream pub for several years before this change. It stayed with Mitchell’s & Butlers but changed brand to their ‘Castle’ brand, aimed at more affluent and aspirational students / young professionals. Hence the price increases over the years. Always found the food top notch though, so hope that hasn’t slipped. Fantastic to see a better ale selection and a decent price. Looking forward to going back soon.
The Ropewalk Ale Festival
5th December – 11th December
13 Real Ales
All Ales £2 a Pint & £1 a Half *
Expect to see Ales from: Belvoir, Kelham Island, Magpie, Derventio & many more!!!
For more info and a full list of Ales check us out on Facebook
* CAMRA Discount will not be given during the festival.
107-111 Derby Rd, Canning Circus, Nottingham,
NG1 5BB, Tel: 0115 9596181