Review: Crown Inn (Awsworth)

The Crown
Location on Google Maps

Like a phoenix rising from the flames a pub in Awsworth (Wedged between Kimberley, Eastwood and Ilkeston) has recently changed hands and in the case of the ale sold within, for the better.

Previously only cask ales such as John Smiths, Chestnut Mild, Carling, Fosters etc were sold. Hey it is what it is. I drank there for close to 10 years so I can’t talk I guess..

It always was a good laugh and partly that’s what makes a good pub so despite the appalling selection it luckily had other redeeming values.

Now the Crown has been transformed both in terms of the selection but also the interior.

The new ownership who also own the New Inn in Newthorpe have acquired the Crown and are already using their better sourcing abilities to get some decent ale on the pumps in the Crown.

When I went in to take a look at the new selection I pleased to see 2 ales on (Sharps ‘Doombar’ and Ringwoods ‘FortyNiner’)


I sampled a half of both and am pleased to say the owner keeps beer in excellent condition. Sadly some pubs get great ale but don’t keep them well and they just got off quickly or taste bad.

Not the case here, the landlord is evidently a decent cellar-man and engaged me in conversation about how the glass washing machine was leaving a slight (harmless) film which was ruining the head retention, which by all accounts is great to hear (the fact he cares, not the lack of heads!)

The upholstery has been redone with the addition of a new carpet.



All in all this pub has been given a new lease of life beer wise.

I’m sure all are sad to see Roger (The previous landlord) go who rather than concentrated on beer offered a more “sports orientated” approach to the pub which was great in its own way.

For Real Ale enthusiasts this is worth a visit, judging by the clipboard asking to “Tick the ales you would like to see” the landlord has access to a fair selection including:

Tim Taylor Landlord
Adnams (Both bitter and broadside)
Old Speckled King (Erm Hen)
and more..

The pub has easy access to 2 bus stops (either side up the street) and can be reached by the T1 (Phoenix Flyer) or the 27 (From Kimberley or Ilkeston)

Google Map Location

4 thoughts on “Review: Crown Inn (Awsworth)

  1. Thanks Nigel, I will give hoppkins a nudge to update this article to reflect that, and get him to put the google maps link in!

  2. Hi, Just to Let you know that the Manager of the Crown is now Steve Walker. Still owned by John Bolton. Great Bunch of people, Come down and join us !!

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